Batch Add Notes
Accountants Enterprise only
This option allows you to add a new note that you specify, to a batch of contacts on your database. Click Utilities > Notes > Batch add Notes. The Batch Add Notes index displays. This is a list of all the contacts in your database.
Toggle the contacts you wish to add the note to by clicking Toggle (press [Alt+T]), or alternatively press [Enter]. When you select a contact, a tick displays to the left of the contact indicating it has been toggled. To de-select a contact, focus on a selected contact and click Toggle or press [Enter]. The tick to the left of the contact disappears indicating the contact has been de-selected.
To continue with the routine after selecting all the contacts you wish to add the new note to, click Execute (press [Alt+E]) and the Add Notes window displays. At the Note code field nominate a code by which the Note will be indexed and either press [Tab] or [Enter] . You are then able to type in the body of the note being added to the batch of contacts.
Once you have completed the note, click OK to attach the note to the batch of contacts.
If you select a note code that is already used for any of the contacts selected in the batch, your are given the option to overwrite the existing note or not.