Sort View - Validations on Value
Accountants Enterprise only
Code type: Central Database allows the value of the sort view to be validated against data in your database. You may validate values only against the contacts in your database. Enter a type of code for validation purposes if required. For example, if you were setting up a sort view code of 'Doctor', then the code type here would be Contact. Click [F10] for a list of options and select one to continue.
Validation code: If Validation type is selected in the Code type field, this field will become active. Click [F10] or the ellipse to access the Validation Table. Highlight the validation code you wish to attach to the sort view and press [Enter].
Condition: Type in a condition for validation purposes if applicable. For example, if you set up a sort view of 'Doctor' and a code type of 'Contact', then the contact nees to have the title of 'Doctor'.
To enter the required information here, you need to nominate the specific field the system will validate against. The title field is D169. So enter the required information as follows: D169 EQ 'Doctor'. This means the title of the contact must be 'Doctor' for it to be assigned the sort view you are adding.
When you have completed the window, either click OK to save the changes, or click Apply to save changes and to continue to add another sort view.