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Payments Schedule Options
Estimated lodgment date: The default date for this field is the system date on the day the lodgment is made, that is, today's date. Accepting the default date will provide a Projected Payments Schedule based on today's date plus a calculated number of days for the assessment to issue from the Australian Taxation Office. If a Projected Payments Schedule has not been selected, the date will, in turn, not be available for editing. If the date of lodgment is to be a date other than today's date, it should be entered in the format DD-MM-CCYY.
Method of Calculation of Instalments: Depending on the result of the calculation, this field is available for selection. If the system detects that Instalments are applicable, the Method of Calculation of Instalments field will default with a "Q". If the payment of the tax instalment is to be by other method, it can be edited and a different method selected from the list available at the field.
The options available are: