Entering payments in advance/prepayments/unallocated receipts to clients
Practice Manager only
When money is received in advance from a client for work which has not yet been billed, this is known as a prepayment.
You can receipt the payment from the client without allocating it against a bill. The amount remains in the Unallocated area. This enables you to process the client receipt and maintain the unallocated amount as a credit on the client’s ledger to be allocated against future invoices.
Once the prepayment has been entered, it is posted to update the Debtors Ledger. There is no matching at this stage as the bill has not been generated. When the bill is raised and posted, the unallocated receipt can then be matched.
(AE) Select the Company from the drop-down to which the receipt is to be paid. Once a company is selected, the Account and Source fields are automatically filled with the company’s details. If required, they can be changed by selecting a different option from the respective drop-downs.
(AO) The Company, Account and Source details will be automatically filled. If required, they can be changed by selecting a different option from the respective drop-downs.
Enter the Date of the receipt. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar. The default date is the current date.
Enter the Receipt Number.
Enter a Description for the receipt.
Enter the Amount being paid.
Accept the default Style of the receipt for printing or select an alternate Style from the drop down (if applicable).
Click Post. The Tax on Unallocated Cash window opens.
Select the appropriate Tax Rate.
Click OK. A Posting confirmation message is displayed.
Click Yes to continue the posting.
Click No to cancel and return to the Debtors Ledger inReceipt mode.