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Reallocating payments

Accountants Enterprise only

The following procedure is used to reallocate payments to the correct invoice after payments have been incorrectly allocated against another invoice.

To reallocate a payment
  1. Select BookkeepingCreditors > Creditors Payment on the main menu. The Payments window opens.

  2. Select the Ledger option. The Payments window changes to the Ledger window.

  3. Select the Company from the drop-down.

  4. Enter the Supplier Code or the Supplier Name, then press [Enter]. When one is entered correctly, the other displays automatically. A list of all outstanding invoices and unallocated cash for the selected supplier is displayed.

  5. Click the Show Zero checkbox. A list of all transactions for the supplier are displayed, with invoices at the top and payments below.

  6. Click the invoice with the incorrect payment allocated to it and press [F2]. The invoice is displayed along with the associated cheque payment.

  7. To revert to the previous view, press [F2] again.

  8. Select the cheque.

  9. Click Unallocate. The Tax on Unallocated Cash window opens.

  10. Select the tax rate.

  11. Click OK. The invoice now displays as unpaid.

  12. Press [Ctrl] and select the invoice you want to allocate the payment to, then select the cheque.

  13. Click Allocate. The correct invoice is now paid.

  14. Click Close. The Ledger window closes.

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