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Activating the Completion Code check when lodging a return or form

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 29686

In MYOB Tax, you may elect to generate a Completion Code for each tax return. This code prints in the footer of each return. You can elect to activate the Completion Code check at the time of lodgement which requires you to enter the completion code for the return when you tag the return for ELS transmission.

This allows you to tag and batch the return or form for lodgement or simply to confirm the completion code displayed in the tag for ELS Index against the completion code printed in the footer of the return.

If the choice is to always enter the completion code to be able to tag the return or form, you will need to select the Completion code validation required field within the Control Record Properties window. Otherwise, clear the checkbox so that you do not need to key the code.

To activate the Completion code validation required field
  1. Open any return type for the relevant year. The return appears.
  2. From the Utilities menu, select Control Record. The Control Record Properties window appears.

    You may need to enter your Master Password.
  3. Click the Defaults tab. The Defaults window appears.
  4. Select the Completion code validation required checkbox. A tick appears in the Completion code validation required field.
  5. Click OK. The return appears and you have now selected to enter a completion code upon lodgement of returns or forms.
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