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Bills not displaying on Bills to Approve homepage

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 29285

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager (AE PM), the Bills to Approve homepage may not display bills when there are bills ready for approval.

This issue may occur if:

  • The employee logged in doesn't have approval rights to the bills that have been created; or

  • One or more clients have duplicate team or partner responsibilities. The duplicates must be removed on all clients for the Bills to Approve homepage to correctly display bills ready for approval.

  • the bills have a 0.00 balance.

To setup billing authorisation
To check for duplicate partners

Navigate to Reports > Client > Client Partner Check, and then run the Client Partner Check report to check for clients with more that 1 partner or without a partner.

Should the report display a list of clients, add an End Date against one or more of the Partners listed under the Client > Responsibility tab, so that there is only 1 current partner. 

Or in the case where there are no partners attached to the client, add one.

Alternatively, you can contact Support quoting KB 29285 to obtain a utility that will identify all clients that have duplicate partner or team responsibilities. 

MYOB  Internal Notes

For multiple partners (the client/partner check should do the same thing as the script below):

X:\Products\Solution6\Viztopia\00 Scripts and Hotfixes\All versions\1765_FindClientsWithMultipleCurrentPartners\1765_FindClientsWithMultipleCurrentPartners.sql 

For finding duplicate managers:

X:\Products\Solution6\Viztopia\00 Scripts and Hotfixes\All versions\1765_FindDuplicateManagerResponsibility\1765_FindDuplicateManagerResponsibility.sql

Please send  instructions on how to run the scripts.  Refer to article Running an SQL script in AE/AO

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.