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Error: "1. Database has not been successfully converted"

This support note applies to:

  • Profiles (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 25916

In MYOB Contacts you may experience the following error message (the version numbers may differ) when opening Contacts:

"Environment Error 1: Database has not been successfully converted. Please contact your System Administrator and quote this number. Found version 4* [PDTSYS] Require version 4*" where * is the version number.

This error indicates the data files are in a prior version to your program files.

To resolve this error, locate your program directories then convent the current database to the later version.


To locate the program directories
  1. At the Windows desktop, click Start and select Run. The Run window appears.
  2. Type ceedata.ini in the Open field and click OK. The ceedata.ini window appears.
  3. Take note of the PROGRAM_DIR directory, e.g. S:\MYOB\bin,
  4. Take note of the CHOME directory, e.g. S:\Data\MYOB\.

    Make sure that you DO NOT have a UNC path for either the PROGRAM_DIR or CHOME directories, e.g. \\servername\ in the ceedata.ini file. If a UNC path is present for either directory, this MUST be replaced by the absolute path, e.g S:\MYOB\bin and then your changes must be saved via the menu path File > Save.
  5. From the File menu, select Exit.
To convert the current database
  1. At the Windows desktop, click Start and select Run. The Run window appears.
  2. Type S:\MYOB\bin\databasesetup.exe in the Open field where S:\solution6\bin is your program directory. The Choose Database window appears.
  3. Tick only your current database and click Next. The Database Setup Confirm window appears.
  4. Click Next. The Database Backup window appears.
  5. Select the option No, database(s) have already been backed up and click Next. The Database Upgrade window appears.
    Once complete, the Database conversion completed successfully! window appears.
  6. Click OK. The Database Upgrade window appears.
  7. Click Finish. You have successfully upgraded your database.
  8. To confirm Contacts has been upgraded correctly, open Contacts.

For further assistance, please contact support and quote KB 25916.

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