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Configuring AccountEdge files into Client Accounting

This support note applies to:

  • AO Workpapers (AU)

  • AO Statutory Reporter (AU)

  • AE Workpapers (AU)

  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)

Article ID: 34946

In MYOB Client Accounting, you can configure MYOB AccountRight files for use with Statutory Reporter and/or Workpapers. AccountRight files are Windows based. MYOB AccountEdge files are Macintosh based and cannot be configured into Client Accounting.

AccountEdge files using versions prior to 9.6 can be converted to AccountRight for use on a Windows environment. For AccountEdge version 9.6 onwards, data cannot be converted to AccountRight for use on a Windows environment. For more details refer to Moving older company files between Windows and Mac for Moving older company files between Windows and Mac or Moving older company files between Windows and Mac.

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