When audting tax returns or BAS in MYOB Accountants Office (AO) you may experience the error "Could not find Edit errors".
This error can occur if you do not have Administrator rights on the workstation.
To rectify this, perform the following:
Turn off UAC and run MYOB AO as Administrator.
Ensure the users Everyone and System have full control in the Security tab of the MYOB AO program and data folders.
Run Register.bat.
Turn off Anti Virus.
Manually register TC2013.dll
If performing these steps do not resolve the error, reinstall MYOB AO.
The Accountants Office folder is located as follows depending on the environment: 32 bit - C:\Program Files\Accountants Office\ 64 bit - C:\Program Files(x86)\Accountants Office\
Right-click the Accountants Office icon and select Run as administrator. MYOB AO runs with administrator rights.
Apply the relevant security
Open Windows Explorer or Computer and navigate to the MYOB AO program file location as follows: 32 bit - C:\Program Files\ 64 bit - C:\Program Files(x86)\ The files and folders appear.
Right-click on the Accountants Office folder and select Properties. The Accountants Office Properties window opens.
Click the Security tab and check for the users Everyone and System. Click each user in turn and click Edit. The Permissions for Accountants Office window opens.
Click the Allow option for Full control and click OK. Full control is applied for the specified user on this folder.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 on the MYOB AO Data folder. Full control is applied.
How to turn off Anti Virus etc, Refer to your IT professional to turn off Anti Virus, Firewall, Spyware and Malware settings which may be interfering with running MYOB AO.
Registering TC2013.dll
From the Start menu, select Run. The Run window opens.
Type Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Accountants Office\TC2013.dll" and press ENTER. The file is registered.
If after applying all of the above the error still occurs, then proceed with the reinstall of Accountants Office.