Trustees' Declaration report defaulting date to 30 June 2015 instead of the financial year end date
This support note applies to:
AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
Article ID: 38964
In MYOB Accountants Office Classic General Ledger (AO GL) version 17.0.5, you may experience the date at point1 of the Trustees' Declaration defaults to 30 June 2015 instead of the financial year end date when generating a Trustees' Declaration.
This issue occurs as the date formula is missing from the report memo.
To resolve this issue, edit Report 8810 - Trustee's Declaration at Line ID 110 to display the formula [Date:YETY] instead of the text 30 June 2015.
To amend the Trustee's Declaration
Open the AO General Ledger and from the Reports menu, select Edit Customised Financial Report Definitions. The Edit Customised Financial Report Definitions window opens.
PressF4. The Adding a New Customised Report window opens.
Enter8810 in the ReportID field The report ID is entered.
Enter Trustees' Declaration inReport Description. The report description is added.
SelectCopyan existing report. The copy fields become active.
Select ZZAU18 - Trust in theCopy from Ledgerfield. TheZZAU18 - Trust master is selected.
From theReport to Copydrop-down list select8810 -Trustees' Declaration and clickOKto add the report. The Modify Customised Report Details screen appears.
Select theLinestab. The report design appears.
Double-clickline 110. TheReport Line Detailswindow appears.
Replace the date 30 June 2015in the Memo Text field with the formula [Date:YETY]. The correct Year End This Year date will appear in the Trustee's Declaration.
Click Close. TheReport Line Detailswindow closes.
ClickClose. The changes are saved and the report is added to the customised list.
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