In MYOB Tax, if either referred to by another knowledge base article or by support you may need to refresh or reset the status of a tax return or form.
The following instructions will provide you with information on the following scenarios:
Changing the status of a return or form from Completed to Incomplete
Once a tax return or form is completed the fields are locked and you are unable to make any changes. If you would like to make changes to a return or form you will need to update the status to "Incomplete". To updated the status to "Incomplete" you will need to do the following from within an already completed tax return or form:
You can confirm if the return or form status is currently "Completed" by checking in the Form Summary area of the Navigation Panel when in the return or form.
Click theEdit Completed Form
icon. The form is flagged as Incomplete.
The Form Summary in the Navigation Panel will display as Not complete
Changing the status of a return or form from Incomplete to Completed
Once the return or form has all the necessary data entered and if you are preparing a tax return you have run the tax estimate, you will need to complete the form. To do this you will need to validate the return or form to access the Complete button.
To update the status of a return or form to Completed you will need to do the following from within the tax return or form:
You can confirm if the return or form status is currently "Incomplete" by checking in the Form Summary area of the Navigation Panel when in the return or form.
Click the Validate
icon or press F3. The Validation summary window opens displaying any validation errors or ELS warning messages.
All validation error messages need to be cleared for the Complete button to appear. If ELS warning messages are present, these are only warning messages. They are only to be addressed if, in the rare instance, they prevent the Complete button from appearing.
Click the Complete button. The return or form status is now set to Completed and the fields will be locked.
The Form Summary in the Navigation Panel will display as Competed and the return or form will appear in the Tag for ELS screen. This will allow the return or form to be selected to be output for lodgment. If the return or form is not appearing in the Tag for ELS screen you will need to Update your ELS preference.
Resetting the status of a return or form
Generally, when a return is lodged the status should remain unchanged. However, sometimes you may be requested to refresh or reset the status of a lodged tax return. If you are required or advised by Support to do this please use the following instructions from within the lodged return or form.
You can confirm if the return or form status is currently "Lodged" by checking in the Form Summary area of the Navigation Panel when in the return or form.
Follow the menu path: Lodgment > Update > I P T C F forms. The Lodgment Update screen is displayed.
If you're changing the status of a lodged form that is not a tax return please note the following difference: Follow the menu path and select Lodgment > Update > Other ATO forms. The Lodgment Update window opens where you can highlight the form and click Update.
Select the Single Return option and click OK. The Lodgment Update window appears with the General tab displayed.
Click the drop-down list on the Status field and select one of the listed status' then click OK.
If the return status is being changed from Lodged to a different status the following message appears as a warning.
There are only four (4) lodgment status' being Assessment received, Lodged, Sent for signature and In progress.
Click OK. The Lodgment Update window re-appears.
Click OK. The lodgment status is changed.
The Form Summary in the Navigation Panel now displays the selected lodgment status.
If you have manually reset or refreshed the lodgment status of a return or form to In Progress or Sent for signature, the Return Lodged via field within the Return Properties will automatically default to P to indicate a paper lodgment preference. You will need to manually Update the ELS preference to indicate that you want to ELS the return or form or it will not appear in the Tag for ELS screen.
MYOB advises that where a return has received a confirmed ATO validation report indicating that it has been electroncially lodged, that you create an Amended Return. For further information refer to Amending Lodged Returns.
Resetting the status back to lodged for a return or form
There may be times where you need to refresh or reset the status of a return or form back to lodged. If you are required or advised by Support to do this please use the following instructions from within the desired return or form.
You can confirm if the return or form status is currently set to a non lodged status by checking in the Form Summary area of the Navigation Panel when in the return or form.
Follow the menu path: Lodgment > Update > I P T C F forms. The Lodgment Update screen is displayed.
If you're changing the status of a lodged form that is not a tax return please note the following difference: Follow the menu path and select Lodgment > Update > Other ATO forms. The Lodgment Update window opens where you can highligh the form and click Update.
Select the Single Return option and click OK. The Lodgment Update window appears with the General tab displayed.
Click the drop-down list on the Status field, select Lodged then click OK. The tax return appears and status is updated to Lodged.
The Form Summary in the Navigation Panel now displays as Lodged.
If you have manually reset or refreshed the lodgment status of a return or form back to lodged, the Return Lodged via field within the Return Properties will automatically default to P to indicate a paper lodgment preference. This confirms that the status was manually changed to lodged and that the return or form was not electronically transmitted to the ATO.
Update your ELS preference
When updating a return or form from lodged to a non lodged status such as In progress or Sent for signature the method of lodgment automatically defaults to P for paper or manual lodgment. To ensure that these returns or forms are still lodged electronically you will need to indicate that in the ELS preference in the Return Properties.
Perform the following instructions from within the desired return or form
Click the Properties icon. The Return Properties window opens displaying the General tab.
Click the ellipses [...] button at the Return Lodged via field, highlight code E then click Select. The ELS preference changes to ELS.
If the Return Lodged via field is greyed out and you are unable to select code E, you will need to Reset the lodgment history.
Click OK. The changes in the Return Properties are saved.
Reset the lodgment history
The following instructions are only to be used if advised by Support or if the Return Lodged via field in the Return Properties is greyed out. Please refer to the following articles for your MYOB Tax product: