In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager (AE PM) you can unallocate an incorrectly allocated payment made to a supplier as long as the payment was not made in a closed accounting period.
To unallocate a supplier payment
Follow the menu path: Bookkeeping > Creditors > Creditors Invoice. The Creditors Invoice window appears.
From the Supplier field by click the ellipses [...] button. The Find Suppliers window appears.
Type in a few characters of the Supplier code and press Enter. The creditor appears in the Supplier field.
Click Ledger. The Ledger window appears displaying all outstanding and unallocated entries.
From the Company field select the relevant company from the drop-down list. The relevant company appears.
Click Show Zero tick box. All entries for this company appear.
Highlight the payment to be unallocated and click Unallocate. The Tax on Unallocated Cash window appears.
Select the appropriate tax rate from the Tax Rate field and click OK. The payment is now unallocated.
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