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Reports missing from AE Reporter

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 31947262

When opening AE Reporter you may notice some, or all reports missing from the list of reports to generate.

This usually occurs after rolling forward a ledger to a new financial year for the first time or, after re-installing AE Reporter.

If you're missing...
All reports

These master reports also allow you to produce reports for ledgers with a period-end date of after 30th June 2021. For example, ledgers with quarterly or monthly reporting periods.

Master reports (

) only

Customised practice reports (

) only

If you can't see your custom practice reports, see Rolling forward the Practice level components in Reporter to manually roll forward your practice-level reports and it's components.

This usually occurs where the rollover utility has crashed during the roll forward at Practice level. You may have also experienced the error "Error: "Roll forward is currently in progress..."".

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.