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Displaying Gross Profit-Livestock Trading in a Farm Income Profit and Loss Statement for a AE MAS Ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 23402

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter (AE Reporter) when using a AE MAS ledger, the Farm Income Profit and Loss Statement generated may not show the line "Gross Profit-Livestock Trading" where the ledger contains entries for Livestock.

In resolve this issue add the Header Account, the 1#9 account,  for the Livestock Type to the Client Chart in AE MAS.

How to add the heading account to the chart
  1. From the AE MAS ledger screen, follow the menu path: Setup > Client Files > Client Chart. The Client Chart window appears.

  2. Click New. The Client Chart:Add Accounts window appears.

  3. In the field Account add the Header Account number for the Livestock Type, select OK. The Client Chart window appear




    Gross Profit - Cattle Trading


    Gross Profit - Sheep Trading


    Gross Profit - Horse Trading


    Gross Profit - Pig Trading


    Gross Profit - (Type) Trading


    Gross Profit - (Type) Trading


    Gross Profit - (Type) Trading

  4. Click Cancel. The MAS ledger screen appears.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.