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SBRSenderService failed to update to latest version

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 38974

If you have recently performed a server migration and copied the Tax folder from your old server onto your new server, after upgrading MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) to version 5.4.25 (2017.1), you may receive the following error in the Installation log:

"In function: ConfigureSBRSender
This computer is not SBR Sender server, Skipping SBRSender configuration. It will only run on: <SERVERNAME>".

Where <ServerName> is the machine name of your old server.

This issue is caused by an incorrect SBRSenderServer entry in the TaxInstall.ini file.

MYOB has addressed this issue in a hotfix, which can be downloaded from the link below.


For instructions on installing the hotfix, refer to the Release Notes.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.