Following is information regarding creating, changing and/or removing passwords on a tax return.
Passwords can only be created for returns that have a status of Started. If the return has a status other than Started, refer to KB 24799: Password field not showing when password protection exists for a return with a status other than Started
The password does not roll over to a new tax year for all return types. If you wish to retain the password on a return, you need to recreate the password details in the new year
How to establish a password
Open the tax return, from the Tax menu, select Password. The Enter Password window appears.
Complete the details as required and click Save & Close. A password prompt appears each time you access the client's tax return.
If the prompt doesn't appear, this implies that the return has a status other than Started. For details on how to make the prompt appear.
How to change a password
Open the tax return, from the Tax menu, select Password. The Enter Password window appears.
Enter the new password and confirm, then click Save & Close. The password is updated.
How to remove a password
Open the tax return, from the Tax menu, select Password. The Enter Password window appears.
Click No Password. The password is removed.
If you have forgotton a password for a tax return, please contact Support and quote the Knowledge Base article 24135.
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