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Setting up a departmental or divisional ledger in MAS

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (AU)
Article ID: 26830

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) MAS, you have the flexibility to produce profit and loss statements for ledgers which require information separated into divisions or departments.

The produce a departmental profit and loss you need to setup the client chart of accounts and assign a division number to each profit and loss account.

To establish a departmental or divisional ledger and produce reports, complete the following five procedures. 

1. Establish division names in the chart of accounts

First create a Departmental Headings control account:

  1. Open the MAS ledger and follow the menu path: Setup > Client Files > Client Chart.
  2. Click New to open the Client Chart: Add Accounts screen.
  3. In the Account field, type 239 then press the Tab key on the keyboard.
  4. In the Description field, type Department Headings then press the Tab key twice.
  5. In the Level field, type C then click OK. The Department Heading control account is created and a blank Client Chart:Add Accounts window appears to add another account.

Now, establish the name of the department using sub-account codes:

  1. In the Account field, type 239 01, then press the Tab key on the keyboard.
  2. Enter the name of the first department, then press the Tab key.

  3. Ensure the Level is S and the Division is 001. Then click OK. The department header account for the first department is created.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to establish the name of each department using the subcodes 239 01 to 239 99. Ensure the number in the Division field displays the correct division number for each department.

    Account Code
    Division No.
    239 CDepartment Headings
    239 01001SMelbourne
    239 02002SSydney
    239 03003SBrisbane
  5. To close the chart of accounts press the Esc key on the keyboard.

2. Establish remaining profit and loss accounts as control account

Accounts which already exist on the client chart, can be changed to control accounts either individually or by range.

To edit each account...

To edit each account individually:

  1. From the Client Chart, double-click a profit and loss account to open the account's settings.
  2. Click Edit. then in the Level field, type C then click OK.
  3. Repeat the steps above for each profit and loss account.
By range
  1. From the Client Chart, click Range Cont... (Range Control).
  2. Click Yes to the message "This routine converts Normal accounts to Control accounts. Please ensure that you have backed up your Master Chart. This routine cannot be exited. Continue?".
  3. In the Record Selection window, select By Range.
  4. In the First range field, type the first profit and loss account code to be changed to a control account, then press Tab on the keyboard.
  5. In the Last field, type the last profit and loss account code to be changed to a control account and press the Tab key, then click OK

The account codes are changed to Level C and the sub-account suffix 00 is created for each account code within the range.

3. Add or edit sub-codes

To create a new sub-code:

  1. From the client chart screen: Click New.
  2. Type the main account code and sub account 01 and press Enter. The cursor appears in the Description field and this field defaults to the description of the main account code.

  3. Edit the description, if required, and ensure the Level is S and the Division is 001 and click OK. A blank Client Chart:Add Accounts screen appears with the cursor in the Account field.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add all new sub-accounts for each department. Ensure the number in the division field relates to the correct division number for each department. There should be no sub-account codes with the division number 000.


To edit an existing sub-code:


  1. From the Client Chart, double click the first profit and loss sub-account to open the Client Chart:Edit Account window.
  2. Click Edit and edit the subaccount to be 02 for the second department, then press the Tab key on the keyboard until the cursor appears in the Division field.
  3. In the Division field, type 002 then click OK.
  4. For all other departments, repeat step 1 to 3 adding the sub-code 02 and division number 002 for Department 2 or the sub-code 01 and division number 001 for Department 1.

The chart of accounts will look similar to the following:

Account Code
Division No.
239 CDepartment Headings
239 01001SMelbourne
239 02002SSydney
239 03003SBrisbane
230 CSales
230 01001SSales - Melbourne
230 02002SSales - Sydney
230 03003SSales - Brisbane
428 CRepairs & Maintenance
428 01001SRepairs & Maintenance - Melbourne
428 02002SRepairs & Maintenance - Sydney
428 03003SRepairs & Maintenance - Brisbane
4. Establish divisions on existing sub-accounts
The MAS Master Chart of Accounts provides some profit and loss control accounts with sub accounts already established. For example, account 400 Motor Vehicle Expenses. If you need to use these subaccounts in a departmental ledger, the division number needs to be altered accordingly.
  1. From the Client Chart, double click the sub account 400 02 to open the Client Chart:Edit Account 400 02 window.
  2. Click the Edit button then in the Division field type 001 and click OK.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all existing sub accounts for control account 400, changing the division to 001 each time. For example, the 400 Motor Vehicle Expenses account will look like the following for Division 1:

    Account Code
    Division No.
    400 CMotor Vehicle Expenses
    400 01001SPetrol & Oil - Melbourne
    400 02001SRegistration & Insurance - Melbourne
    400 03001SRepairs & Maintenance - Melbourne

If a Department requires more than one set of Motor Vehicle Expense accounts, the accounts would be established as follows:

  1. From the Client Chart, click New to add a new sub-account.
  2. In the Account field, type 400 and enter the sub account 10. Then press the Tab key on the keyboard.
  3. Ensure the level is S and the division is 002. The Description is defaulted to the description of the control account.

  4. Edit the description if necessary, then click OK.

  5. Repeat these steps for all required sub accounts for control account 400, changing the number in the division field to the appropriate department number each time. For example:

    Account Code
    Division No.
    400 10002SMotor Vehicle Expenses - Sydney, Vehicle #1

    400 11



    Petrol & Oil

    400 12



    Registration & Insurance

    400 13



    Repairs & Maintenance

    400 20



    Motor Vehicle Expenses - Sydney, Vehicle #2

    400 21



    Petrol & Oil 

    400 22



    Registration & Insurance

    400 23



    Repairs & Maintenance


5. Print departmental profit and loss reports
  1. Follow the menu path to open MYOB Reporter: Reports > Reporter > Generate Reports.
  2. Select Detailed Profit and Loss Statement - Divisional Trading then click Preview or Print as required.
Divisional chart of accounts example

The following chart of accounts contains 3 departments being Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The Melbourne department contains one motor vehicle, the Sydney department has two motor vehicles and the Brisbane department has no motor vehicles.


Account Code
Division No.
239 CDepartment Headings
239 01001SMelbourne
239 02002SSydney
239 03003SBrisbane
230 CSales
230 01001SSales - Melbourne
230 02002SSales - Sydney
230 03003SSales - Brisbane
428 CRepairs & Maintenance
428 01001SRepairs & Maintenance - Melbourne
428 02002SRepairs & Maintenance - Sydney
428 03003SRepairs & Maintenance - Brisbane
400 CMotor Vehicle Expenses
400 00001SMotor Vehicle Expenses - Melbourne
400 01001SPetrol & Oil - Melbourne
400 02001SRegistration & Insurance - Melbourne
400 03001SRepairs & Maintenance - Melbourne
400 10002SMotor Vehicle Expenses - Sydney, Vehicle #1

400 11



Petrol & Oil

400 12



Registration & Insurance

400 13



Repairs & Maintenance

400 20



Motor Vehicle Expenses - Sydney, Vehicle #2

400 21



Petrol & Oil 

400 22



Registration & Insurance

400 23



Repairs & Maintenance

427 CRent
427 01001SRent - Melbourne
427 02002SRent - Sydney
427 03003SRent - Brisbane
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