The attached report packs contain additional reports you can import into your database and use. The reports include Prebilling reports as well as 5-year fee reports which are updated each year.
employee data broken down by month within a financial year. This is updated each year for March year-end (New Zealand clients) and June year-end (Australian clients).
AE Report pack 1
additional Aged Debtor, Client Summary, Aged WIP, and Control Reports reports by Manager, Office and Department. There are also Adjustment, Receipts, Fee recovery reports as well as some Employee reports.
AE Report pack 2
WIP & Debtor reports by Family Group as well as Average Hourly Rate reports, Bank Deposit Slip and Receipt reports along with Fee Recovery by Employee by Client, Invoice Write off reports, and additional Debtor reports.
AO Report pack
Aged WIP, Aged Debtors and Control Reports by Manager as well as Fee Recovery, Employee, Adjustments and additional Debtor Reports
AE/AO additional pre-billing reports
additional Pre Billing by Code Type and Pre Billing by Group.
Additional employee reports
Additional Employee Reports 2021 - Pack 1
You may wish to print employee reports broken down by month within a financial year.
MYOB have released the following four (4) reports to include monthly data for 2021:
Employee chargeable hours per client per month
Employee chargeable hours per month
Employee Lost time hours per month year
Employee non-chargeable hours excluding lost time per month
In this pack, we've also included:
Employee Productivity PTD and YTD including Billings and Write-offs
Download, extract and import the reports with the 2021 suffix.
Run the reports and enter the date range 1/7/2020 to 30/06/2021.
For March year-end, the date range is 1/4/2020 to 31/3/2021.
To download these reports, choose the relevant year below and click on the filename. Make sure you take note of the location you've saved the reports to as you'll need to know this later during the import process.
Download, extract and import the reports with the 2020 suffix.
Run the reports and enter the date range 1/7/2019 to 30/06/2020.
For March year-end, the date range is 1/4/2019 to 31/3/2020.
To download these reports, choose the relevant year below and click on the filename. Make sure you take note of the location you've saved the reports to as you'll need to know this later during the import process.
Review the guides to see which reports you would like to use and then import the reports using the instructions provided.
Once imported, start using them and adding them to your Report favourites if they are reports you would like to use on a regular basis.
Reports can only be imported one at a time.
AE Report Pack 1
This Report Pack includes a number of reports that you can import into your database; namely additional Aged Debtor, Client Summary, Aged WIP and Control Reports reports by Manager, Office and Department. There are also Adjustment, Receipts, Fee recovery reports as well as some Employee reports.
MYOB_AE_PM_5_0 Additional Report Guide.pdf displays examples of the reports and the correct orientation/template to select when importing. Review this guide to help you decide which of the reports you want to use and import;
This report pack includes WIP & Debtor reports by Family Group as well as Average Hourly Rate reports, Bank Deposit Slip and Receipt reports along with Fee Recovery by Employee by Client, Invoice Write off reports and additional Debtor reports.
MYOB AE PM 5.2 Additional Report Guide.pdf displays examples of the reports and correct orientation/template to select when importing. Review this guide to help you decide which of the reports you want to use and import;
This report pack provides reports for a number of reporting areas such as Aged WIP, Aged Debtors and Control Reports by Manager as well as Fee Recovery, Employee, Adjustments and additional Debtor Reports.
To download a report, click on the report namelink and save the report to a memorable location.
If you wish to download all reports, click
MYOB AO Additional Reports (ALL).zip to download the zip file. You'll need to extract the reports from this zip folder before importing into Practice Manager.
For information on how to import additional reports into Practice Manager, the
MYOB AO Importing Additional Reports.pdf will step you through the process in detail.
Unbilled WIP by Family Group by Employee Summarised
WIP history by client
All WIP Transactions By Partner with Comments
WIP and Debt
Control by client
Control Report by Client Partner
WIP and Debt
Control by client
Control Report by Client Manager
WIP and Debt
Control by client
Debtors Summary of Activity
WIP and Debt
Control by client
Debtors Summary by Parent
WIP and Debt
Client summary
Client Summary by Manager
Additional pre-billing reports
AE/AO Additional Prebilling Reports
There are 3 additional prebilling reports which can be imported into AE or AO Practice Manager.
Pre Billing by Code Type - entries are broken down to job/year level
Pre Billing by Group - entries grouped by task code instead of by employee
Pre Billing by Group - entries grouped by task code instead of by employee and by job/year
If you have modified any of our MYOB master pre-billing reports or are not sure if they have been modified, please export them before replacing them with any of the new reports. If you later decide you want to revert back to the original version, they can be restored by replacing the current version of the report.
Pre Billing by Code Type and Pre Billing by Group original MYOB masters.
These can be used to replace the reports should you later decide that the additional versions don't meet your requirements.
To export a report to create a back up copy
Open MYOB and click the drop-down arrow on Reports and select Report Import & Export. The ReportExport & Import tab opens.
Navigate to the report you want to backup by expanding the relevant reporting area and highlighting the subcategory. The reports available for this subcategory are displayed in the right-hand pane.
Prebilling reports are found in:
Fees > Pre billing by assignment/employee - for the pre-billing by code reports
Fees > Pre billing by group - for the pre-billing by group reports
Select the report to be backed up and click Export. The ExportReport window opens.
Browse to and select the required location and click Save. The message "Export Complete" appears.
MYOB recommends you specify one central location for your reports so they can be easily restored should the need arise.
Click OK. The backup is complete.
To replace the Pre Billing reports
Open MYOB AE/AO and click the drop-down arrow on Reports and select Report Export & Import. The Report Export & Import tab opens.
Select the reporting area by clicking [+] next to Fees and the selecting either:
Fees > Pre billing by assignment/employee - for the pre-billing by code reports
Fees > Pre billing by group - for the pre-billing by group reports
The Replace button becomes available.
Click Replace. The Replace Report window opens.
Browse to the location containing the report/s, highlight the required report and click Open. The message 'Replace successful' appears.
Click OK to complete the process.
Report Pack 1 was released for 5.0 & 5.1 and can still be used - Attachments can be found in X:\Products\Solution6\Viztopia\5.0 Additional Report Pack
Report Pack 2 was released for 5.2 and can still be used - These reports were originally made available as part of the 2013 Masterclass. Attachments can be found in X:\Products\Solution6\Viztopia\5.2 Additional Report Pack
5 year Fee reports - Compatible with version 5.0 and above. The reports and documentation are saved to X:\Products\Solution6\Viztopia\5 Year Fee Reports. Reports for 2012, 2013 and 2014 are archived here too.