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Updating data from the ASIC RA72

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 30136

In MYOB Corporate Compliance (CC) ASIC allows you to request current company details in a data download format for any company for which you act as the agent.  You can then use the Update from ASIC data wizard to set up a new company with these details.

Perform the following steps to update the data

To lodge a Form 362

This form is required if you are not the registered agent for this corporation.  The form is generated by using the Appoint or cease registered agent wizard from the Corporations module.

ASIC only allows companies to be downloaded by the registered agent.  If ASIC have previously been notified of the agent details via a Form 362, repeating lodgment of this form is not necessary. 
To lodge a request for Company Details Form RA71

An RA71 form to request an RA72 data download report is generated using the Request data from ASIC wizard from the Corporations module.

The minimum requirements needed to request the current company details in data download format is the Corporation name and ACN.

For more details refer to Preparing an RA71 Form - Request for Company Details 

To recieve the Company's information, Form RA72

ASIC returns the details for each Company(s) requested.  Depending upon the number of requests with the ASIC and the general load on the ASIC system, the RA71 request could take from a few minutes to a few hours to process.

Once received, you can view and print the RA72 from the ASIC Forms tab within the corporation, from the ASIC Forms Received tab of the lodgment module, and from the Reports > Corporations > ASIC Forms Received menu path. 

To remove Officer or Capital details, historical and/or current

If the corporation has already been set up in Corporate Compliance, the upload will not allow you to proceed if there is an Officer or Capital present.  You can however choose to manually update your existing compliance data by manually making the changes in Corporate Compliance so your data will match the RA72, or you can remove the Officer and Capital information from Corporate Compliance and proceed with the upload.

  • From the Corporations selection list, highlight the corporation and select the task Open corporation details from the task panel. The Details window is displayed.
  • Click Officers tab. The Officers window is displayed.
  • Select the checkbox Include former officers, select an officer and click on Delete officer on the task panel. The confirmation message is displayed.
  • Click Yes. The officeholder is deleted. Note: Repeat this process for all officers listed.
  • Click Capital tab. The Capital window is displayed.
  • Select the checkbox Show share issue transactions, select a Share issue and click Delete share issue from the task panel. The details of the share issue are displayed.
  • Click Delete. The confirmation message window is displayed.
  • Click Yes. Repeat this process for all share issues listed. You can now create the company details using the Update from ASIC data received.
To update corporation details from data received from ASIC
  • From the Corporations task panel, search for the corporation and click Update from ASIC or import file. The Update corporation details from ASIC data received wizard is displayed.
    Note:  If the Corporation import file is from a different source, click the ellipses button and navigate to and select the relevant location, file and then click OK.
  • Click Next. The Corporation details window is displayed.
  • Click Next. The Registered address details window is displayed.
  • Click Next. The Business address details window is displayed.
  • Click Next. The Officer details window is displayed. Note: This screen lists all the officers in the data file received. If the name of the officer matches the name of a person in your Corporate Compliance database, the officer is automatically selected to link to that contact. A new person record will be created for any officer that is not linked to an existing person.
  • To link an officer to an existing person, select the officer and click select contact. The Find a Person window is displayed.
  • Select the Include all People from Profiles checkbox, highlight the person code and click OK. The Officer details window is displayed. Note: Repeat this for all officers that are required to be linked to an existing code in Contacts. Note: If you link the officer to an existing person, the address and birth details of this person will not be replaced with the details from ASIC. If there are any differences, you will need to make the changes manually. To remove the link to an existing person, select the officer and click clear contact.
  • Click Next. The Issued share details window is displayed.
  • Type the date of issue for each share class listed. The date of issue field is filled.
  • Click Next. The Share members window is displayed. Note: This screen lists all the members in the data file received including joint holders. If a member is also an officer, the Contact Code will be automatically linked to the code set previously.
  • Select the member and click select contact. The Find a Contact window is displayed.
  • Select the Include all People from Profiles checkbox, highlight the person code and click OK. The Officer details window is displayed. Note: If the selected member is also an officer, changing the linked contact will also change it for the officer record. Repeat this for all members that are required to be linked to an existing code in Contacts. To remove the link to an existing contact, select the member and click clear contact.
  • Click Next. The Share holdings window is displayed.
  • Type in the Certificate Number for each share holding and click Next. The Finish window is displayed.
  • Click Finish. The company details will be updated and any new officer and/or member contacts will be created.
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