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Error: "System Release DAL - The server is not installed"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax (NZ)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34770

If you're receiving the error "System Release DAL - The server is not installed", although the System Release Data Access Layer (SR DAL) application may appear in Control Panel, it may not have been fully installed. For example, SR DAL may not appear as an installed service.

You can check if SR DAL is installed by clicking on the Windows Start button and typing services.msc in the search field. Open services.msc and review the list of services for System Release DAL.

If System Release DAL doesn't appear in this list, you'll need to uninstall SR DAL, then re-install as per the instructions below.

Before you begin

Before you begin the process to uninstall and reinstall SR DAL, you'll need to make sure:

  • Disabling User Account Control (UAC)is turned off.
  • Your Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software are disabled.
  • All users are logged out and have exited out of all MYOB applications.
  • You're logged onto the Server where the SQL database is stored, as an Administrator user.
To un-install SR DAL
  1. From the Desktop of your Server, press and hold the Windows
    key and press R on your keyboard. The Run window opens.
  2. In the Open field type %TEMP% and click OK. Windows Explorer opens and displays the contents of the Temp folder.
  3. Double-click on the MYOB folder that relates to the last installed version of AE or AO to open. For example:
  4. From within the installer folder, navigate to:

    If you're using...
    Navigate to...
    Accountants Office (AO)MYOBAO > Software > SRDAL
    Accountants Enterprise (AE)MYOBAE > Software > SRDAL


  5. Double-click on the SRDal.exe file. The MYOB System Release Data Access Layer - InstallShield Wizard window appears.

  6. Click Next. The Program Maintenance screen appears with the options to Repair or Remove the program.
  7. Select Remove and click Next, then on the next screen, click Remove.
  8. Once uninstalled, click Finish.

You'll need to re-install SR DAL before you can access AE or AO. Proceed to the next task to re-install.

To re-install SR DAL
  1. From within the SR DAL folder from the double-click the SRDal.exe file. The MYOB System Release Data Access Layer - InstallShield Wizard window appears. 

  2. Click Next.. The wizard displays the Licence Agreement.
  3. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement checkbox, then click Next. The Customer Information default details are displayed.

  4. Click Next. The Destination Folder details display. We recommend accepting this default location however, if want to change the default destination click Change and follow the prompts, otherwise click Next to accept the default.

  5. Click Next. The Database Server details display. We recommend accepting these default details.

  6. Click Next. The wizard prompts you to confirm to install this application.
  7. Click Install. The wizard installs the application. This may take several minutes.

  8. Click Finish. The System Release DAL window opens.
  9. Click the Start button. The SR DAL Status field should display the status of Running.
  10.  Click OK. The System Release DAL window closes and SR DAL is installed.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.